Saving Scheme starts from Rs. 1000 or above (in multiples of 1000)
You can buy Gold, Silver gold/ diamond/ silver Jewellery or ornaments or gold coin/vedni as per standard terms of the Scheme
We will need your Aadhar Card and Pan Card details to start the scheme
Primarily, you need to visit the store for starting your scheme and paying 1 month of Installment. But You May Request to Us and We Will Send you the Google Form for Starting the Scheme and by making Payment You will be enrolled into the Scheme.
Yes, we accept digital payment as well with our Website portal service and Mobile Application
We will be charging for GST, Other Statutory Taxes if any on the purchase amount, and the Gold Rate and Making charges will be as per the on-day rates.
If The member wants to close the existing scheme, then in such case, no extra installments shall be provided to him/her and it is mandatory to purchase the Jewellery of at least worth of accumulated amount or more.
Members of the scheme shall not get benefits of the other schemes/offers during redemption of the existing Scheme except for Festive Offers
The Member is mandatorily required to purchase the jewelry before the completion of 3 months from the date of maturity.